Adventures of Mrs. Indiana {Some Summer Appearances}

Better late than never, eh?
I have been a slacker in the blogging department lately. I have been especially poor at posting about my events and appearances as Mrs. Indiana. Below is a recap of a few of my events throughout the summer. I am working on posting tons of pictures, I promise you, of several more Mrs. Indiana moments thus far. I have been a busy girl since April, and I am forever thankful for the fun things I get the honor of doing with this title.

After finally getting back on my feet after my surgery, I hit the ground running with Mrs. Indiana appearances and events. I have truly loved the opportunities that this title has awarded me and I have exciting things coming up to share with everyone. People often ask me what I do all summer. Well, preparing for Mrs. America and representing Indiana as a titleholder is full-time work! Here's a peak into what I have been up to lately:

A few weeks ago, I shot with the wonderful Nico from Air Creek Photography. Nico was so kind as we worked to accommodate my hip. It is still hard for me to wear heels or walk up stairs, and at the time, many movements and positions were still quite painful for me. I was absolutely exhausted afterwards. But, we had a few tricks up our sleeves to make some picture magic.

Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes
First completed photo by Air Creek Photography
After a full evening at my photoshoot, I spent the next day modeling in a fashion show for U93's Roofsit 2016. This event raises funds and awareness for child abuse. I spent the morning in hair and makeup, and picked out styles from Jules Boutique, a Mrs. Indiana sponsor, to wear in the show. Sadly, the rain had other plans and the events was cut short. It really poured! But, I was able to walk the runway in support of Roofsit and brought awareness to a great cause. I spent time with a local animal shelter and met a remarkable family working to make all daycare centers safe. Absolutely wonderful event spent with even more wonderful people!

Look at all the fun clothes!

It was great modeling with a former Mrs. Indiana, Lisa

While in Mishawaka, I shopped till I dropped at sponsor Sorella Boutique. I am so ready for nationals with all my awesome new clothes from such generous sponsors!

Thanks to Sorella for your sponsorship!

Last week, I had the honor of attending the grand opening of Painting with a Twist in Lafayette. I was thrilled to be able to make an appearance in my hometown. Plus Daniel and I are excited to have a such a fun business near us. Everyone knows that wine brings out your creative side, right? Thank you to the lovely new owners for including me. I had a kind introduction to the crowd and helped cut the so very cute cake. I'll be back soon to paint my heart out.

Kind owners and a fantastic opening for Painting with a Twist
Talented local artists will teach you every step in creating personalized art
Just call me an artist

The week ended with a road trip to Kokomo, where I spent Saturday in the Haynes-Apperson parade. It was a perfect way to kick of the long Fourth of July weekend, but was a chilly day for a parade! I was happy to be a part of this great town's festival once again- I was Miss Haynes-Apperson Festival in 2013. A huge thank you goes out to Mcgonigal Buick Cadillac GMC for the beautiful parade car.


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